Select “Shop” in the menu. Buy a lifetime membership card and join the people that save the world. This is a first. It has never been done before. We desperately need worldwide fairness. We need the law of fairness to rule as the only boss of us all. Read “A Purpose in Life.” Its only 2 pages long, from
Each to their own opinion. The one all-powerful truth corrects us where we are wrong. Those that try to get away with doing others wrong will be punished even more. Please read and support The World Fairness Agreement. To make it accessible to everyone worldwide, it is simple and concise – 4 pages. Select the link below.
Let’s Make local groups that unite the world to stop unfairness. First, we stop unfairness, then peace will follow. Peace will never happen until we stop human unfairness with The World Fairness Agreement. Contact me to make a local group or Church. or phone 385.223.0837
Millions of people no longer believe what we were told. We struggle with the meaning and purpose of our lives. Join us and we will change the world from unfairness as the status quo to fairness as the new status quo.